
All things automation related, including macros and scripts through to bulk conversion tips.

Word VBA - User Forms (Part 4)

Word VBA - User Forms (Part 3)

Word VBA - User Forms (Part 2)

Word VBA - User Forms (Part 1)

Macros: A brief history of time (saving)

Word VBA - Quick Access Toolbar

Word VBA - Optimising your code

How to speed up your VBA code.

Word VBA - Document manipulation

This article will cover a number of VBA methods to explain how to change the content of a document in numerous ways.

Word VBA - Procedures and Functions

This article will give you some ideas on how to break down routines, or create stand-alone routines that you can use multiple times in your own code. The end result is that your code becomes easier to follow.

Word VBA - Loops (Part 2)

The continuation of my article on loops in VBA.